Thursday, July 3, 2008

Brocolli & Cauliflower Salad

(Disclaimer: I didn't have time to take a picture of my brocolli salad before it got buried in the fridge with the other things for 4th of July. So... I took one off the internet, this one doesn't have cauliflower but you get the general idea.)
Chop & Mix:

1 bunch of brocolli

1 head of cauliflower

5 green onions

4 pieces of cooked bacon

Add in:

1/4 c of sunflower seeds

1/4 c of raisins

Salad Dressing:

1 c mayonaise

1/4 c sugar

3 T vinegar

I've seen this done with walnuts instead of sunflower seeds. I've seen it done with grapes instead of raisins. I've also seen it done with red onion instead of green onion. Feel free to be liberal and make changes. Enjoy!

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